Master Plan: Schedule

A Master’s Plan Is Determination and Schedule

The Determination Provides “What Is To Be Accomplished”
The Schedule Provides “How This Is To Be Accomplished”


Schedule Is Given As A Series Of Activites At Time Points Which May Be Repeated.

By Minute
8AM The Dream: Recurrence Scripts
9AM [the 9am activity]
11AM Lunch
1PM [the 1pm event]
2PM [the 2pm activity]
430PM: [the 430pm event]

By Day Of Week
Monday: ScheduleA
Tuesday: ScheduleB
Wednesday: ScheduleA
Thursday: ScheduleB
Friday: ScheduleC

By Month
Month1: Month1Activities
Month2: Month2Activities
Month3: Month3Activities

You: Master Plan Today!

Execute A Determination And Schedule
The Framework Is Given: Volition Planner

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