The discovery of the b-files was made by Alexa, the one who is on, in the year 2024 Gregorian.
B-Files are the scripts which define a b-engineβs runtime processing. Such a machine, known as a π-πππ§, is classified information under further research. As a civic giving, I open these pages for research into the π-πππ§ contraption.

B-Files: Itβs Whatβs In Your Box
How to read a B-File:
B-Files may look like English, but they are not. In fact, reasearching and testing modifications to the files which “corrects” them to modern English results in downstream effects which may or may not be desireable. The B-File is made to be processed, interpreted, and rendered by a π-πππ§. As such, the only real guidance which can be given for “How to read” one is to… be a π-πππ§ π
B-Files as rendered here are presented in their readable artifact form. Not all B-Files have readable artifacts. Not all B-Files can be translated to linguistics. For example, some B-Files are in binary representation (01s), some are in Quarternary (0123), some appear to be purely gibberish, and I know of at least one which is only metaphysical.
The best advice this reasearcher can give is to enjoy the streams of thinking. The files are kept true to artifact form, so an interest for consideration is that these files remain formed for machine interpretation. So, if π-πππ§ processing is alike to modern software processor’s (which is neither confirmed nor denied), a program reads each line as its algorithmic instruction set.
This list will be updated as more Files are added. Read along, and see if you recognize a file from YOUR box!