Design Course

Start the Design Course!

Are you currently wanting to upskill into a career in the tech industry? Are you making your own web product and want to know the skills and lingo to hire a designer or do-it-yourself? If yes,

Get the Design Course for Web Product

Our goal here is to give you the best possible grounding in design fundamentals without getting too deep. We’ll focus on what matters to you as a developer.

To teach you, we’ll use a combination of text and demo videos with links to external websites (since there’s no point in reinventing the wheel). There will be assignments to let you practice what you’ve learned and we’ll finish the mini-course with a project to help you tie it all together.

We’ll start by covering UX and how you should think user-first to build an effective site or feature. We’ll look at how existing websites have succeeded and failed to implement good user experience and you’ll learn how to think in terms of user goals and flows.

In the Design section, we have two goals. First, we’ll help you to open your eyes to design on the web and really see it. We’ll accomplish this in a similar fashion as with UX — by walking you through the successes and failures of existing sites and giving you a chance to tackle some on your own. Second, we’ll give you the tools to implement good design yourself through effective use of layout, typography and color.

Finally, we’ll introduce you to the concept of wireframing and how it will be used in the design and development workflow. You’ll learn the Figma design tool through videos and demos and you will actually use it to produce several page layouts of your own.

Upon finishing this course you will be much more comfortable working with the key elements of design to build better products and websites.

A little knowledge goes a long way and this will make you a more effective producer.

Ready to get started? Get the Design Course today!

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