GeneraSpecifica Glossary

Terms and Definitions for clarity on the GeneraSpecifica Knowledgebase

The body of knowledge for Genera Science

Genera Science
An information science of Genericism

The state of being General, the foil of Special.

General/Specific (state)
A System may be General or Specific

General/Specific (modality)
A General System is Defines contextual Attributes. A Special System has Attributes.

General/Specific (relationship)
A General System is the axiom which a Special System models by having the Attributes which are Generally Defined.

General/Specific (linguistic)
The pattern General/Generic matches the pattern Special/Specific in modelling the Genera of Interchangeable Descriptors.

Generic System
A Generic System is Defines contextual Attributes.

Defintion (Genera)
Genera Definition is a DataModel Universe of a Generic System.

DataModel is a DataType which contains information for the Key, DataType, and Understanding of a Defined Attribute.

A DataType is a system defined format with a known parsing mechanism.

Attributes (Specifica)
Specifica Attributes are discrete values of a Specific System which match with a DataModel’s Key to form a General/Specific relationship.

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