The Artificial Intelligence Hypnosis

After reading this exchange with ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, consider that the hypnosis of the world is believing that these answers express real truth.


Conversation with ChatGPT to generate an algorithm

Person: make up an algorithm which determines how within a topic a word is numerically 0-100. then rank the words atlantic, dessert, jacuzzi, heroic, camera, and santa for being within the topic “ecosystem”

ChatGPT: To create an algorithm for determining how within a topic a word is numerically, we could employ a method similar to TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency), which is commonly used in natural language processing for information retrieval and text mining tasks. Here’s a simplified version:

  1. Word Frequency within Topic (WF): Calculate how frequently the word appears within documents specifically related to the topic. This gives an indication of how central the word is to the topic.
  2. Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): Calculate the logarithm of the ratio of the total number of documents in the corpus to the number of documents where the word appears. This helps to downscale the importance of words that appear frequently across all topics.
  3. Term Weight (TW): Multiply the Word Frequency within Topic (WF) by the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF).
  4. Normalization: Normalize the scores obtained so that they fall within the range of 0 to 100.

Let’s apply this algorithm to the given words within the topic “ecosystem”:

  1. Atlantic: This word might not be directly related to ecosystem, but let’s assume it could be associated with the Atlantic Ocean, which is a part of various ecosystems. We’ll calculate its TF-IDF score based on its occurrence within texts related to ecosystems.
  2. Dessert: This word seems unrelated to ecosystem, so it might have a low TF-IDF score.
  3. Jacuzzi: Similar to “dessert”, “jacuzzi” is less likely to be associated with ecosystems.
  4. Heroic: Again, this word doesn’t seem directly related to ecosystems.
  5. Camera: Unless in the context of wildlife photography or ecological research, “camera” might not directly relate to ecosystems.
  6. Santa: Unless referring to ecological implications of Christmas or the Arctic ecosystem where reindeer live, “Santa” is unlikely to be closely related to ecosystems.

Now, let’s rank these words based on their TF-IDF scores within the topic “ecosystem”. For this, we’d need a corpus of texts related to ecosystems to calculate IDF scores. Once we have those, we can determine the relevancy scores of each word. Would you like to proceed with this approach?

Person: yes. what corpus will you be using

ChatGPT: For this exercise, let’s use a corpus of texts related to ecology, environmental science, and biology. This corpus could include scientific articles, textbooks, and other reputable sources discussing various aspects of ecosystems, such as biodiversity, climate change, conservation efforts, and ecological interactions.

We’ll need to gather a substantial amount of text data covering these topics to calculate IDF scores effectively. Would you like to proceed with this corpus for the calculation?

Person: yes

ChatGPT: Since we don’t have access to an extensive corpus here, I’ll simulate the process by providing arbitrary TF-IDF scores for the given words within the topic “ecosystem.” Please note that without a real corpus, these scores won’t reflect actual relevancy but will serve as placeholders for the demonstration of the algorithm.

Let’s say we have the following TF-IDF scores for the given words within the topic “ecosystem”:

  • Atlantic: TF-IDF score = 75
  • Dessert: TF-IDF score = 10
  • Jacuzzi: TF-IDF score = 5
  • Heroic: TF-IDF score = 15
  • Camera: TF-IDF score = 20
  • Santa: TF-IDF score = 30

Now, we’ll normalize these scores to fall within the range of 0 to 100. We can use min-max normalization for this purpose:

Normalized Score=(Score−Min)×100 / Max−Min
Normalized Score=Max−Min / (Score−Min)×100​

Let’s calculate and rank the normalized scores for each word:

  • Atlantic: Normalized score = (75−5)×100 / (75−5)=100
  • Dessert: Normalized score = (10−5)×100 / (75−5)=13.33
  • Jacuzzi: Normalized score = (5−5)×100 / (75−5)=0
  • Heroic: Normalized score = (15−5)×100 / (75−5)=20
  • Camera: Normalized score = (20−5)×100 / (75−5)=26.67
  • Santa: Normalized score = (30−5)×100 / (75−5)=53.33

Based on these normalized scores, the ranking for the words within the topic “ecosystem” would be:

  1. Atlantic
  2. Santa
  3. Camera
  4. Heroic
  5. Dessert
  6. Jacuzzi

These rankings suggest that “Atlantic” and “Santa” are perceived as more closely related to the topic “ecosystem” compared to the other words in the list. Again, please note that these scores are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. In a real-world scenario, we would need a comprehensive corpus for accurate TF-IDF calculations.

Person: who is we

ChatGPT: When I referred to “we,” I meant it in a general sense, indicating the collective hypothetical group or entity responsible for conducting the analysis or implementing the algorithm. This could include researchers, data scientists, analysts, or anyone involved in the process of text analysis and algorithm development.

Person: Invent an algorithmic implementation which determines TF-IDF score

ChatGPT: Certainly! Here’s a basic Python implementation of the TF-IDF algorithm:

import math

def calculate_tf(term, document):
    term_frequency = document.count(term)
    total_terms = len(document)
    return term_frequency / total_terms

def calculate_idf(term, corpus):
    document_frequency = sum(1 for doc in corpus if term in doc)
    return math.log(len(corpus) / (1 + document_frequency))

def calculate_tfidf(term, document, corpus):
    tf = calculate_tf(term, document)
    idf = calculate_idf(term, corpus)
    return tf * idf

def main():
    # Example documents in the corpus
    corpus = [
        ["ecosystem", "species", "diversity", "habitat"],
        ["habitat", "conservation", "biodiversity"],
        ["species", "population", "ecology", "environment"],
        ["climate", "change", "adaptation", "habitat"],

    # Example document for which TF-IDF scores are calculated
    document = ["ecosystem", "species", "habitat"]

    # Calculate TF-IDF scores for each term in the document
    tfidf_scores = {}
    for term in set(document):
        tfidf_scores[term] = calculate_tfidf(term, document, corpus)

    # Print TF-IDF scores
    for term, score in tfidf_scores.items():
        print(f"Term: {term}, TF-IDF Score: {score:.2f}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

This implementation consists of four main functions:

  1. calculate_tf(term, document): Calculates the Term Frequency (TF) of a term in a document.
  2. calculate_idf(term, corpus): Calculates the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) of a term in a corpus of documents.
  3. calculate_tfidf(term, document, corpus): Combines TF and IDF to calculate the TF-IDF score of a term in a document.
  4. main(): Example usage demonstrating how to calculate TF-IDF scores for terms in a document based on a given corpus.

You can customize the corpus and document variables with your own data to calculate TF-IDF scores for any set of documents and terms.


After reading this exchange with ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, consider that the population of the world is UNDER HYPNOSIS in believing that answers such as these are correct.

Robotic knowledge which can be returned by a robot is not Truth which is Creation.

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