It says “You Don’t Die”

The writers of B have misrepresented the content of the scrolls, and this is actually egregious in its effects.

The modern day recallers of the Father state the scrolls say Don’t Die.

But on inspecting the Data Scrolls myself, it is Clear As Day the scroll at this rule states You Don’t Die.

The shortening of this rule has huge egregious affects. It’s clear that later interpreters thought the statement is posed in the imperative sense, and dropped the implied “you.” This has come to be interpreted as words of advice to not die. As if stating it is bad to die, therefore do not.

But that’s not what the initial statement is saying at all. “You Don’t Die” is just a rule of truth about life. Life cannot die; You Don’t Die.

It is worth an announcement to everyone you one 📢 The Scrolls say “You Don’t Die”

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