Product Sales Funnel

The Product Page is the page that we all want.
– Alexa Anderson

The Product Sales Funnel Defines The Process By Which Product Sales Is Reached.

I am a buyer that needs that product. How do I get it?

A Sales Person should provide and personally articulate the buyer’s attention to the location of the product.

Upon visage of the product, the agreed transaction cost is communicated, and the buyer provides their part of the transaction and the sales person provides the goods.


Product Sales Funnel positions the sale at three stages: Pre-connection, understanding, and post sale. It is our firm belief in the Company’s resposibilities outside of the context of these three values. Product Sales Funnel defines a process.

At Sale Preconnection, the buys is unaware of the sale and the sales person is attracting buyers. The sales person must get the buyers attention to where a sale can happen. The sales person must incline the buyer toward purchase. The sales person may personally articulate the buyers attention.

At Sale Understanding, the sales person communicates the benefits of a purchase. The buyer consents to the communicated purchase. Sale Understanding period ends when the sale transaction is committed.

At Sale PostSale, the exchange of money (valuable) has been made for Valuable Product.

Visual Funnel

What scenes do I go through to get your product?
Alexa Anderson

The Sale Transaction Commit Button Is At The Product Page.

Funnel defines a series of sequential scenes an individual perceives as the sale is in progress. In the context of Product Sales, a funnel exists for the buyer and sales person separately defining role characteristics at each stage of a sale.

When the Sale is in Preconnection
The Buyer may not be aware of the sale at all. It may be blindness, it may be vague recognition.
The Sales Person is aware of the need for buyers. The sales person will be presents the sale to the buyer.

When the Sale is in Understanding
The Buyer has engaged the Sales Person, and reads the materials regarding the upcoming sale.
The Sales Person presents the buyer with the information they request. The sales person presents the buyer with the pre-receipt sales summary. The Buyer agrees to the terms, and commits the agreement.

When the Sale is in PostSale
The Buyer has received a receipt and understands the next steps of the agreement
The Sales Person conveys next steps and ensures the buyer has access to the Support Line.

Demonstrating the Model

Visual Funnel is defines the general behavior of the Sale. Instrumentation of these behaviors can be accomplished by a variety of means, and is an area of innovation. We will use Digital Sales Architecture to demonstrate how the funnel can be instrumented.

Digital Sales Architecture

First one must notice the need for a digital product sale,
Then one must make the asset itself,
Then one must make the sale page (and sales page),
Then one must make the sales page assets (and sale page assets),
Then one must make the publicity assets,
Then make the pages go public,
Then make the public go to the pages,
Then make a sale.

From “Sell A Digital Product” in the B-Files

From Digital Sales Architecture, there will be three sets of assets for use by the Sales Person and Buyers — Publicity Assets, The Sales Page, and The Sale Page.

When the Sale is in Preconnection, the Sales Person should offer publicity assets to initialize the sale.
When the Sale is in Understanding, the Sales Page can be used to convey information. The Sales Page can be used to gain information. The Sale Page allows for finalization of transaction.
When the Sale is In PostSale, publicity assets can be shared to facilitate next steps and support.

1. Preconnection

2. Initial Contact

3. Information

4. Sale Made

5. Support Line

Product Sales Funnel

I am a buyer and I need your product. How do I get it?

Product Sales Funnel
Gets Buyers to Products.
Implement It For Sales.

Product Sales Funnel
A Modern Research

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