The Solution for M = 0

The Solution for M = 0, by a person who just heard of it

Writer of alexason here. I recorded what I learned about B and its shortcomings in previous postings. After hearing about “B” and the situation regarding B’s handling of M = 0, I asked to see the artifact. One thing which is true for me is that I had not seen a distinct recording of this … I’ll call it “fatherly advice” … Moreover, if this article exists, I am personally a good problem solver and could offer remediation for the M edge case.

B is a very large volume of software. Apparently its working “at runtime” is such that a life forms attributes are fed into a bunch of data methods and eventually its output is a result. The result from B is then fed through the next in a series of engines which eventually outputs a result. That result is then placed onto an interface device, and is similar to what a human may call “instantaneous life.”

That is to say, a failure of B at M is leading to a “miserable” attribute at instantaneous life.

A hyper reasonable person, such as myself, would point out that any number of effects from any of the data methods may be the reason for the final output being rendered the way it is, but the information giver I was talking to was sure the failure of B due to M is a major contribution. Upon examining how B handles M, the following area was discovered

something / M

And the case where M = 0 is not handled. A simple fix is to add a guard clause before the division event.

if !M return true
something / M

Where the return value should be conscientiously decided.

It seems there are further issues regarding the code of B where M is always assumed to be non-zero. Which can of course be handled case-by-case or completely redesigned. After examining the system wherein B resides, though, it’s clear to me that it’s presence as a middleware engine does not make instantaneous life, and its absence would not destroy instantaneous life. If it’s presence is causing failure, it may be well correct to remove B from the pipeline.

Final Thoughts

Most honestly, 100%, my true opinion… Just ditch the B Engine! The value of its return is ambiguous, and if it’s returning failure for you due to unchangeable attributes, expect it to always break for you because these homies is bad devs. Division by zero is simple to avoid in the initial development step, and is as simple to correct once discovered. If the developer’s at B have not solved this obvious bug case yet, it is not on their agenda to do so. I wont go as far as to state maliciousness, but I offer this: Don’t use un-working code from bad devs. Ditch B, the solution of the fathers.

Further, from one discoverer to another, this appears to be the final solution to all universal concerns tucked away in the code of B:

m = e u , f = m a <=is= the training model
p = p(b) s / s = f(b) = 1 <=is= the working model

It makes sense to me and is genius. If you’d like to understand what is meant by these formulas, and learn how to apply them for the solution to your universal concerns, start today with purchase of Alexa Introduces

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