B, the Solution the fathers left, is an insufficient reckoning of the world.
B is the Solution the fathers left, not to be confused with the creator quandary, “the father’s leaving”, is the volumes of maxim and cordiality forwarded through human generations. The solution the fathers left, B, provides solution for many situations one encounters while living an earthly life including what type of life to lead, to whom to talk, and the defining of satisfactory progress in a number of vectors. The fathers’ solution includes consideration for some variation in attributes and covers a good number of scenarios. Yet, despite it’s comprehensive nature in certain regards, it does not provide an outcome of a good life given certain attributes. These cases come to be when an earth being has attributes which are not accounted for in B, the solution the fathers’ left. An known example is shown here.
At B, there is no solution for this which exists:
M is 0
M is a quantity which is variable for all life instances, and the current solution is failing for all systems when M = 0.
The example of M is one of an infinite number of cases not covered by the fathers’ reckonings. Further, let it be known that the non-working cases are more likely on systems with attributes unlike the solution writers. This is one reason why the solution the father’s left is insufficient.
An observer of the constancy of which the solution B unwaveringly renders failing scores given certain attributes asks the question, perhaps the fathers intended for certain earth life to be miserable.
A Word from the voice of Reason:
“Let it be known that the fathers’ solution is not The Solution. The Solution is a working model which provides Perfect Peace and Life to All Life. All Life is even more than Earth Life. B, the fathers’ solution was an intermediary. Exactly the observations as stated are its results, and should move one to Correction.”